Being a successful student and getting a 4.0 in college isn’t as hard as it seems. You don’t need to spend hours upon hours studying in college if you use studying methods that actually work. Here are 8 of the best studying tips for college students to help you ace your exams and be successful in college!

This post is all about the best studying tips for college students!
If you want to be the most successful in college and learn how to study for college exams to actually do well, here are some of the best studying methods. After completing 4 years of undergrad, 1 year of graduate school, and studying and passing my occupational therapy board exam, I learned a thing or two about studying methods for college.
Here are some of the best studying tips for college students to ace college exams! These effective studying tips for college will help you be successful in college and help you get a 4.0 GPA in college with less work. It’s time to learn how to study smarter, not harder so you can save time and memorize information faster!
8 Best Studying Tips for College Students
#1 Start Studying for College Exams Early
One of the most effective studying tips for college students is to start studying for college exams early. This is one of the best studying tips I learned in college that helped me get a 4.0 GPA in both undergrad and grad school.
When you start studying early, about 2 weeks before your exam, you allow your brain to learn the information in small chunks. Our brains simply aren’t able to retain massive chunks of information at a time.
If you start studying too late or decide to cram the night before, the information doesn’t have enough time to be stored in your long-term memory. This process takes time as our brain needs to consolidate the information. After learning about this process in my neuroscience class, I stuck to this studying method and it changed the game for me.
Also, when you start studying early and go over the information briefly each day for about two weeks, it makes the information way easier to memorize. You won’t need to sit down for hours on end. Simply take an hour or so to study each day before the exam and you’ll be able to recall the information much easier come exam time.
#2 Study in Chunks

This goes along with the previous studying tip for college. Instead of studying for one day and cramming all the information all at once, break the information into chunks. Focus on consolidating the information into categories or studying the main ideas of each topic.
When you break the information up into smaller chunks and study for shorter periods of time each day, you allow your brain to more easily categorize and recall the information. Chunking is about breaking the exam information up into smaller key bits and also studying for smaller chunks of time more often.
This makes studying way more effective and easier for your brain to consolidate the material. Doing this allows your brain to retain the vast amount of information you need to know for your college tests.
#3 Utilize Different Memorization Strategies
Effective studying starts with figuring out what style of learning and memorization strategies work best for you. As a freshman in college, you may not know what memorization strategies help you retain information best. You’ll have to experiment with different memorization methods while studying for college exams to figure out what works best.
Some memorization strategies include mnemonic devices, coming up with a songs or listening to the information, drawing or making visuals, acting it out, using flashcards, teaching the information to someone else, or linking the information to your daily life. There are tons of different memorization methods to help with recalling and consolidating information. Try different methods to figure out which works best for you.
Use this article link to discover in depth memorization methods to help with studying
#4 Limit Distractions

One of the best studying tips for college students to actually succeed and study smarter is to limit distractions. If you want to make the most of your study time and save time, minimize distractions in your environment.
This means trying to study in a less stimulating environment. This will make it easier to focus on the information. Turn off the TV, go to a quiet room or place on campus, reduce visual stimuli (people coming and going), and put your phone away. Let me emphasize that last one…PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!
Every time you get distracted by your phone or something else, you interrupt the studying process and your brain’s ability to focus on the information at hand. The fewer distractions you have, the less time you’ll need to study. It’ll help you focus and keep you on track to memorize the information and make the most of your time studying for college exams.
#5 Get Quality Sleep
Pop quiz…when does information consolidation primarily occur in your brain? The answer is while you sleep. Learning and storing information typically occurs the most while you sleep. This is when your brain can consolidate information into your long-term memory to recall and retrieve the information effectively. If you don’t get quality sleep, it reduces your brain’s ability to retain the information you’ve studied.
Getting quality sleep 8-9.5 hours a night is essential for college students to learn. It will help you recall all the valuable study material you’ve worked hard to learn. This is especially important the night before the test too to help you focus and give your brain rest before needing to recall the exam material.
#6 Hold Yourself Accountable

When it comes to studying and being successful in college, holding yourself accountable is a must. You’re on your own in college. That means you can do whatever you want with your time and no one will be there to tell you otherwise. If you choose not to study and stay disciplined with your study schedule in college, that’s on you.
If you want to be successful and ace your college exams you’ll want to find ways to hold yourself accountable. One of the best methods I used to hold myself accountable was to create a study schedule. I wrote my study schedule and made goals for each day of studying. For example, this could be getting through a certain amount of information in one study session or getting all your flashcards right.
Give yourself small rewards each time you achieve your study goals and stick to your study habits to stay motivated and reinforce accountability each day. You could reward yourself with your favorite ice cream or watch your favorite show after you meet your studying goals for the day.
#7 Utilize Study Groups
Next on the list of best studying tips for college students is to utilize study groups. While I don’t recommend study groups as your only method of studying, it can be a helpful tool. It’s particularly helpful if you don’t have much motivation to study.
Surrounding yourself with driven and focused college students in a study group can help you discuss and learn the information more quickly. On the other hand, be mindful of the study group you choose. It can be easy to get off track when studying in a group and easy to lose focus. Make sure you’re mindful of who you choose to be in a study group with and how you’re utilizing your time.
Create a schedule for your study group and establish ground rules when you first get together to make the most of your time and stay on track while studying.
#8 Utilize Campus Resources

Another one of the best studying tips for college students is to utilize campus resources. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with studying and applying class material. Some of the best campus resources to help you study are office hours and tutoring services.
Make an effort to go to office hours and ask questions. Most college students don’t utilize office hours enough. College professors are obligated to hold office hours, so why not take advantage of them? It’s the perfect opportunity to get one-on-one help and assistance with studying and learning class material.
Another valuable resource for college students to study for college tests is tutoring services. You can easily get a tutor in college who’ll help you stay motivated, hold you accountable, and teach you valuable study techniques to ace your college exams. This is extremely helpful, especially during your freshman year of college when you’re still figuring out what study techniques and learning styles works best for you. Tutors can offer you valuable guidance while studying in college, so don’t be afraid to use them!
Overall, studying is a major part of being a college student. Figuring out how to study in college and effective studying methods for college exams early on can set you up for success. These studying tips for college students are a good place to start and when you stick to them, they can help you be more successful academically in college!
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